The network is full of advertisements for various devices that help get rid of parasites that, according to the creators of the advertisement, literally eat a person alive, taking away their strength, energy, health, will to live.Unfortunately, in addition to the real problems, advertisers also offer cures for parasites that are not found in our country or do not exist at all in nature (for example, we sometimes talk about "energy" and "spiritual" parasites).
As a result, many gullible readers fall victim to deception and waste money while remaining real illnesses. They continue to destroy the body and poison people’s lives. To avoid deception, you need to know what parasites are actually and how they are harming the human body.
Who are the parasites and what are they?
In the Greek translation, “parasite” means “companion, ” that is, one who shares a meal with the owner. It was originally a priestly office in ancient Greece. In biology, it is the name of a living thing that lives from other living things (also called owners) and at the same time harms them. Parasites should not be confused with commands (organisms that live at the expense of others but do no harm simply eat leftovers).
Who are the parasites and what are they?
In the Greek translation, “parasite” means “companion, ” that is, one who shares a meal with the owner. It was originally a priestly office in ancient Greece. In biology, it is the name of a living thing that lives from other living things (also called owners) and at the same time harms them. Parasites should not be confused with commands (organisms that live at the expense of others but do no harm simply eat leftovers).
Parasites exist in all kingdoms of living organisms: viruses are one, bacteria and fungi are parasites - in part there are few parasites among plants and they only parasitize on other plants.When we talk about parasites in the human body, we usually talk about animals, while other organisms are simply called "disease-causing organisms. "
So in the human body / parasites are animals that eat to the detriment of humans, damaging their health.
According to their habitat, parasites are divided into ectoparasites (living outside the body, such as lice, mosquitoes, etc. ) and endoparasites (living inside, such as parasitic worms or unicellular animals). Worms live not only in the intestines but also in the lungs, heart, liver, bloodstream and so on.
The most common worms are:
- Roundworms:
- Pinworms;
- Ascaris;
- Trichinella.
- Flatworms:
- Swine tapeworm;
- Bull tapeworm;
- Different types of liver layers;
- Echinococcus.
Some of these parasites pose a mortal threat to humans. These are roundworms, trichinella, echinococcus. Others (liver spots) lead to serious illness, accompanied by pain, fever, nausea, disruption of the normal functioning of internal organs, and poisoning with products of the parasite’s metabolism.
What folk remedies help with pinworms?
Pinwormsis the safest of all parasitic worms, yet the most common. These are bisexual creatures that live in the intestines. At night, they crawl out through the anus and lay eggs on the skin, clothing, under the nails, and so on.

These eggs can then get into the food and eat them.
This is how the patient infects himself and others.
To avoid this, you can use zinc ointment if you suspect pinworms.
It is applied to the skin around the anus and the female parasites are killed by the poisoning as they climb out to lay eggs.
Use onions to swallow. For ten days, stick to chopped onions in alcoholic alcohol (1: 1 weight ratio) and then drink one tablespoon twice daily before meals.
The child should make an infusion of water. Fill the onion with hot water for 12 hours. Give your child half a cup once a day.
Ascaris Cures
Everyone knows the well-known folk remedies for the pumpkin seed-based roundworm. Several generations of grandmothers advised their grandchildren to eat pumpkin seeds so that "there would be no worms. "But simply consuming this product will not completely eliminate the parasites.
You need to make potions, extracts, and mixes. In a mortar, grind a pound of seeds, cover with water. Then eat with a teaspoon for an hour. After three hours, it is advisable to perform an enema to remove the poisoned parasites from the body.
A mixture of pumpkin seeds and wormwood is suitable for adults. A portion of the pumpkin seeds and a portion of the dried wormwood are mixed with two portions of vodka and infused for seven days. Then take 50 mg twice a day.
In a few days, the parasites will be completely defeated. The product should not be misused: infusion of wormwood into alcohol has narcotic properties and promotes the development of alcoholism.For children, the treatment is categorically contraindicated for the same reasons.
When roundworms eat more garlic and onions because they are not well tolerated by parasitic worms. Based on the milk and garlic, make a good decoction that can get an enema. To do this, cook a clove of garlic until it softens to 200 g. milk. Apply an enema at night.
You can use the same treatments for ascaris that are effective against pinworms. Both types of helminths belong to the same animal type and have similar biology.
From the parasites of the liver
The liver is an essential organ with many functions. It is a blood and iron filter that produces bile and is a "storehouse" of glycogen. Therefore, the parasites in this organ cause the most damage and cause the most unpleasant symptoms. Liver colic, nausea, jaundice, allergies and much more are the result of parasitic infections.
Black walnut, a universal cure for flatworms, helps these parasites. For the treatment, make a tincture of 30 milk-wax ripe fruits, pour vodka on them and leave for 40 days.
You should then filter out the tincture and start using 2 teaspoons a day, one in the morning and one in the evening.
Pumpkin seed and wormwood tinctures, cloves and many other infusions, such as the onion and garlic-based treatments already mentioned, are also effective. Effective against flakes and pomegranate. Pour 5 grams of the bark of this fruit with 100 grams of hot water, infuse for 30 minutes, and consume four teaspoons a day.
From other flatworms
Cut 8 garlic cloves, squeeze the juice and dilute in warm water (about a glass). With this cure, you can make an enema that is effective against tapeworms (tapeworms).
2 tablespoons crushed garlic in milk can be boiled to make a decoction for a drink. 200 g should be eaten before taking. pumpkin seeds and then take a laxative. Dry ginger helps against echinococcus. Grind, dissolve a teaspoon in 50 gr. milk. You should drink such a cure every other day.
Citrus fruits also help against echinococcus. Chew lemon zest, add to various foods or drinks. The dry peel of one lemon can be chopped and dropped into 100 grams of hot water. Allow the product to stand until the water cools to a temperature at which you can drink and use the product safely. You can drink without restriction, but at least once a day.
From unicellular parasites
Giardiaare common unicellular parasites that live in the small intestine and cause giardiasis. Garlic helps in lamblia (50 grams / 200 grams of vodka). The cure is infused for a week, using 20 grams a day.
Horseradish balm is a good medicine. The roots of this plant are cleaned, chipped and filled with cold water for three days. Shake the drug twice a day, and when done, filter and dilute with honey in equal parts, then take it 15 minutes before consuming a tablespoon.
Cumin seeds, bird cherries, garlic, hawthorn and sea buckthorn help with parasitic amoebas. The cumin seeds were poured with hot water (200 g), left in a water bath for a quarter of an hour and then cooled. Three times a day after a meal, the drug is consumed from half a glass.
You can make an infusion of water from bird cherry berries (10 berries / glass of hot water) or just eat them. The same goes for other berries.
From external parasites
Outside, human skin is home to lice, which are divided into species such as head lice, pubic lice and body lice. The first two species live on hair, the third on clothing. They bite a person and drink his blood, causing itching, scratching and other diseases.
The simplest way to treat lice is the mechanical method. It is a hairdresser and comb that allows you to get rid of special parasites by removing them from the surface of the skin.
One old pre-revolutionary recipe involves using kerosene, alone or half with oil. The potion is rubbed into the skin and exudes a scent that repels lice and forces them to leave their habitat.
Triple cologne can be used for the same purpose. Moisten your hair with it and wrap it with cellophane for an hour and a half. Then wash your hair.
A 1: 1 mixture of cabbage juice and honey also helps. This product is rubbed into the scalp and then washed off with water.
Thus, parasites can exist both within and on the surface of the human body. They feed on human food or the tissues of the body themselves: blood, muscles, etc. Of course, their activities cause significant harm to human health. In addition, parasites can cause mechanical damage and bleeding in internal organs, and waste products can poison the body, causing nausea and dizziness.
The treatment of parasites is based on the use of medicinal properties of various plants that are relatively harmless to humans and deadly toxic to their enemies.
Before starting treatment, you should consult a specialist and pass the necessary tests to know exactly which parasites should be treated.
Because many herbs are harmful to humans (such as wormwood), treatment should be differentiated between children and adults to avoid side effects and poisoning.
Lice and other insects are external human parasites. For them, the alternative treatment is based on the use of odorous substances and plants that can deter hexapod parasites.